OR: A fun game for every surgery!
If you're interested in any of the important parts of the brain (i.e. not cortex), you're going to need do to stereotaxic surgery to target the area you're interested in. And to do stereotaxic surgery, you need fiducial coordinates on the skull, which canonically are bregma and lambda.
You would think that the definitions of bregma and lambda are well known, but I found out last year that I had a completely wrong definition of lambda. So in the interest of clarity, here's a diagram of a mouse skull with four possible locations for bregma and lambda (nose to the bottom). Without looking at the caption, can you, dear reader, identify the correct locations?
Just for fun, I've diagrammed some common bregmas you might encounter during surgery. Which of the points listed below do you think are bregma? My opinion is in the caption.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Thursday, January 8, 2015
The (Near) Future of Cell Type Specificity
I have been growing more interested in genomics, so this quarter I took a
class on new techniques in genomics.* What I learned is that the most important aspect of modern
genomics is cost. Sequencing gets exponentially cheaper every year, which makes
answering old questions less expensive, and opens up new experimental
possibilities. For example for cancer, in the past doctors might have genotyped a tumor once, while doctors now can sequence tumors in real
time to identify drug resistance.
* If you miss the days
of scientific tables, I suggest you check out the supplement of any genomics paper.
So how can genomics be
useful for neuroscience? Sequencing is most famously used on DNA, but can be used on RNA too (RNA-seq). This makes it possible to characterize transcriptomes using sequencing rather than use
microarrays. Recently, with cost reductions and new techniques, this has enabled single neuron transcriptomics. If you believe
than a neuron’s mRNA and proteins define it, this means we can characterize single neurons with RNA-seq, then look at populations of neurons to figure out how neurons can be grouped into cell types.
So today I'd like to
write about what cell specificity is, review two papers on single neuron
transcriptomics, and the implications that this has on how systems neuroscience looks at cell-specific circuits.
What is a cell type?
The brain is composed of billions of neurons, each of which do something different, but many of which do something similar. Given that protein expression determines what a cell does, I would define a theoretical "cell type" as a group of cells that express a similar set of proteins and encodes a similar type of information. (I say "similar type of information" since neurons of the same type could encode different versions of the same information. For example, I would say all direction selective retinal ganglion cells are the same cell type whether they encode up or down movement. If different directions express different proteins, then that would change things (which I believe may actually be true)).
While that is a simple
theoretical definition of a cell type, there is also the issue of how we deal
with cell types in practice. Right now, the most popular way to approach
cell-type specificity is transgenic mice (while I poked fun at Nature titles last month, a majority of them were about specific
circuits controlling behaviour). To understand how cell-type specificity is
done, it would be useful to have an example, so let's look at how Haubensak et. al. in David Anderson's lab
did it.
Haubensak et al were
interested in the central amygdala, which is involved in conditioned fear. To
find genes specific to the central amygdala, they performed a microarray analysis on the transcripts from the brain region (today, people would
probably scour the Allen Brain Atlas). This analysis yielded a few candidate
genes like PKC-delta, CRH, and enkaphalin. Once they had their candidate genes,
they performed immunohistochemistry and patching to characterize the cells'
expression patterns and electrical properties. When they were satisfied that
PKC-delta neurons were interesting, they injected viruses containing ChR2 into
the central amygdala of PKC-delta-Cre mice, and performed their main fear
conditioning experiments.
This illustrates the
functional definition of neuron types today: Cre-driver lines with viruses injected
in a specific location.
This functional
definition of a cell type is incomplete a number of ways. It ignores that multiple types of
cells in a given region could express the same gene; that is, there could be two
types of cells that express PKC-delta. It also ignores that gene expression
changes during development (this is partially overcome by the temporal
precision of viruses). And it ignores the importance of that gene for the
function of the cell.
As a general rule, I
would guess that the farther an "identifying gene" gets from the
synapse, the less specific it is as a cell marker. The closest genes to the
synapse would be neurotransmitters and receptors. For example, in the arcuate hypothalamus, there are cell types identified for the neurotransmitters AgRP,
POMC, and KNDy, each of which segregate. Acknowledging that there might
be subsets of these cells (e.g. those that project to different places), these
cell types are probably well defined. The major exceptions to this neurotransmitter heuristic are probably the neurotransmitters glutamate and GABA, which are expressed so ubiquitously that they are non-specific. (This has not, of course, stopped people from publishing well with VGat or Vglut2 cell lines.)
Moving farther from the
synapse, many interneurons can be identified by the types of calcium
binding proteins they express (e.g. calretinin vs calcitonin). Given how important calcium regulation is, these cells might have different firing properties, and be functionally different. Even farther from the synapse, you can identify cells by secondary messengers like PKC-delta. To be
honest, though, without a clear link between secondary messengers and actual function, I am skeptical whether they can truly be cell specific markers.
Besides identifying cell types based on their transcripts, you can subdivide cells based on the projection patterns as well. For example, the AgRP set pictured above is actually composed of multiple groups of cells the project independently to different brain areas.
Besides identifying cell types based on their transcripts, you can subdivide cells based on the projection patterns as well. For example, the AgRP set pictured above is actually composed of multiple groups of cells the project independently to different brain areas.
At the moment, our ability to identify and manipulate cell types is lacking. We use brain atlases and microarrays to identify populations of cells, but don't really know the boundaries of each cell type. So how can we define them better?
Single neuron
My favourite answer is single neuron transcriptomics. The basic idea is that you can isolate the mRNA from a single neuron, amplify it via PCR, and then sequence it; this would give you a quantitative assessment of all the RNA that a single cell expresses. You then repeat this process on dozens or hundreds of cells chosen at random, and use clustering algorithms to see which cells have similar expression profiles, which would constitute a defined cell type.
A paper came out in
Nature Biotechnology this year which illustrates the process in developing human cortex. They took tissue, dissociated it, and
isolated individual cells using microfluidics. Once single cells were
isolated in their little compartments, they were able to
perform all the steps outlined above: lysation, amplification, and sequencing.
Once they quantified expression for all the mRNA, they performed PCA to identify the
most informative genes; then hierarchical clustering of cells using the 500
most PCA-loaded genes. Following clustering, they identified four major groups of
neurons that corresponded to cells at different stages of cell division (see
above). They were furthermore able to subdivide these clusters, like group 1,
into smaller subsets at different stages of differentiation. Using this
technique they found that two transcription factors, Egr1, and Fos, were more
important in development and differentiation than previously realized.
While cell sorting is a
great technique for developing cells, it is less useful for mature neurons which send neurites everywhere; if you were to try to shove a neuron in a cell sorting tube, you
would rip off the axons and dendrites, and leak mRNA everywhere. To do single cell transcriptomics in adult
neurons, James Eberwine's lab at UPenn developed a method they call TIVA (see
figure below).
They first verified that TIVA worked in cultures before turning to hippocampal slices. In slices they bath applied TIVA, and monitored its uptake in cells. (panel b, below). They then photocleaved the construct in a single cell (cell ii), and verified the cleavage using fluorescence (panel c, right). Finally, they sucked up the tissue in a pipette, extracted the cell, and sequenced. Using sequencing they were able to verify that they were sequencing neurons, as opposed to the surrounding tissue (panel d).
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Single neuron sequencing in hippocampal slices.
Whatever the current caveats, I think single cell transcriptomics is the future. It will allow us to accurately profile cells entire transcriptome, and cluster then to truly identify cells that have similar identities.
The future
So what does this mean
for you (or me), dear neuroscientist?
First, I would bet that whatever cell type you (or I) are working on is not actually a single homogenous cell type, but probably composed of multiple cell types. This should not stop you from doing experiments, since the experiments of today are always superseded by tomorrow; but if you encounter ambiguous results, this is likely one source.
Two, intersectional methods are going to be essential going forward. For example, the POMC neurons shown in the first figure can release glutamate, GABA, or neither. If you truly want to understand the subsets of POMC neurons, you would need to use cell lines specific for POMC and glutamate, and viruses that could recognize the combination. Experiments like this will certainly require more breeding, but will give a more precise answer. There is probably a nice faculty position for whoever can come up with an easy intersectional transgenic model.
Third, the future is nigh.There are grants on RePORTER using single-cell transcriptomics to characterize prefrontal cortex, retina and zebrafish, and the dorsomedial hypothalamus. Just in the couple of weeks I was mulling this blog post, a paper in Nature Neuroscience came out characterizing dorsal root ganglion cells. If you want to Better Know a Cell Type, now is probably the time to act.
Tl;dr: If you're a systems neuroscientist who hasn't kept abreast of genomics, just remember: single-cell transcriptomics is getting cheaper by the month, and is going to redefine our understanding of cell types in the next few years.
(If you would like more informed opinion, James Eberwine, who's lab developed TIVA, wrote a commentary in Nature Neuroscience earlier this year.)
Two, intersectional methods are going to be essential going forward. For example, the POMC neurons shown in the first figure can release glutamate, GABA, or neither. If you truly want to understand the subsets of POMC neurons, you would need to use cell lines specific for POMC and glutamate, and viruses that could recognize the combination. Experiments like this will certainly require more breeding, but will give a more precise answer. There is probably a nice faculty position for whoever can come up with an easy intersectional transgenic model.
Third, the future is nigh.There are grants on RePORTER using single-cell transcriptomics to characterize prefrontal cortex, retina and zebrafish, and the dorsomedial hypothalamus. Just in the couple of weeks I was mulling this blog post, a paper in Nature Neuroscience came out characterizing dorsal root ganglion cells. If you want to Better Know a Cell Type, now is probably the time to act.
Tl;dr: If you're a systems neuroscientist who hasn't kept abreast of genomics, just remember: single-cell transcriptomics is getting cheaper by the month, and is going to redefine our understanding of cell types in the next few years.
(If you would like more informed opinion, James Eberwine, who's lab developed TIVA, wrote a commentary in Nature Neuroscience earlier this year.)
Lovatt, D., Ruble, B., ..., Eberwine, J. (2014). Transcriptome in vivo analysis (TIVA) of spatially defined single cells in live tissue Nature Methods, 11 (2), 190-196 DOI: 10.1038/nmeth.2804
Pollen, A., Nowakowski, T., ..., West, J. (2014). Low-coverage single-cell mRNA sequencing reveals cellular heterogeneity and activated signaling pathways in developing cerebral cortex Nature Biotechnology, 32 (10), 1053-1058 DOI: 10.1038/nbt.2967
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